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2007-09-07 20:31:52
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Banner Courtesy of [Draymond]

Welcome to the Fantasy Art Forum. If you are an artist or writer, or just have an eye for good work, you're in the right place! Bring your creations to share for critiquing, opinions, contests, group works, advice, and anything else we can think of, or browse the galleries and give your opinions of the work displayed here.

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The funny section!

-[The Monochrome Rainbow] and I [Draymond] decided that FAF needed a little weekly humor, so a humourous art piece will be posted every week. Enjoy!-

"Dragon got you down?"

Political cartoon showing the Fed gov's power over the states.

By: [Draymond]


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[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i have the books, but they are hard to read

[Draymond]: Hard to read as in hard to get into? Or just hard to read because of difficult, or more advanced language?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: the writing is very dry. or as one critic said about Tolkien:

"He writes in shorthand, then smudges it"

I dont know what they meant, the book were for me just hard to keep reading.

[Draymond]: Hmm...aye I think I know what you are trying to convey. I'll try reading at least one book...and go from there.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i struggled through the hobbit, but never could be enticed to pick up the next book

[Draymond]: I probably asked you this already, but have you read Eragon or Eldest?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i own both :)

[Draymond]: Woot! ^_^ those would be my two favourite books...then Artemis Fowl series, and then Harry Potter.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: some big religious guy declared Harry Potter as "the enemy of the church: the prince of darkness"

I laughed. He's just a fictional character.

[Draymond]: *laughs* Well as long as religion is in fear of what is only theory, then they forever will be inferior. For fear gives something great power.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah. i have to laugh when the Harry Potter series first came out, and schools started banning it left and right because they think it teaches witchcraft to children (my goodness, the ignorance!)

[Draymond]: Yeah! Children speaking jibberish into the air and waving pencils teaches witchcraft. Silly...there is no such thing to begin with. Just because children use their imaginations unlike adults, doesen't mean adults have to smother what children have and they don't.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, theres no science to witchcraft (or any religious application, including prayer). everybody knows instant gratification doesn't exist. There is a (many) Witchcraft religion. Harry Potter does not in Any way resemble it even faintly

[Draymond]: You're last comment was number 333. Weird. Anyways, yeah I know 'magic' has been something that humans have supersticiously feared for far too long without good reason. I don't know...fearing an idea because you don't understand it or because you fear people will follow what they want, is ridiculous. Unity is seemingly impossible in this world, as religion has proven readily. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: holy wars... ugh. Voltair is a satire musician who wrote a song called "God Thinks" at first listen, its probably the most offensive thing an xtian could ever hear. after you hear it a few times, you start to realize its a song about how people distort the concept of "God" let me find a Link to the lyrics

[Draymond]: only religion is belief in a higher power...and that if there were a hell, life would be it...seriously what's worse than our lives as a whole? The whole world is a terrible place...crimes, theft, genocide, rape, murders, terroism, death, goes on and on. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah. my belief is my own ecclectic collection of pagan (wicthcraft/snamanism/animism, etc) beliefs

[Draymond]: I say have people have their own beliefs that they feel is right for them and go about their lives. Forced religion has torn this world apart.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: and continues to do so. Witchcraft in the US was only recognized by the supreme court in 1986, and still not recognized on census, though it is protected as any religion under the 1st and 14th amendments of the constitution, theres sill a Lot or persecution, especially from the *cough* xtians *Cough*

[Draymond]: I have to be careful with my thoughts...sometimes they revert from diplomacy, and straight to; "Whom shall we take out to lessen the stress between..."ect... lol

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: lol, well, theres a practical approach to everything. then theres a peaceful approach. then theres a republican approach.

[Draymond]: *laughs* Nicely put. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: Every problem has a solution. Some problems demand different soultuions.
Practical: Compromise will solve the problem
Peaceful: Talking will solve the problem
Repulican: Bombing will solve the problem

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: ugh, i need to get a scanner for this place

[Draymond]: Has molassas frozen in here? Okay, let me get a new comic pic up (made one meself) and we'll get the anthro contest rolling. Plus messaging people. the very latest I'm thinking. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah. i havent touched my anthro piece. maybe i should work on it later tonight. still acclimating. went out and bought an electric blanket last night, because in the basement i live in, Molasses is definately freezing.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: dragon toe-jam

[Draymond]: XD Aha you're right! lol I didn't even

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: we have one of the guys running for governor at the Holly Library this morning. a real idiot. (he's a republican: I'm a democrat) nextdoor to where i work. hes signing autographs and shaking hands. i'd really like to put on my combat boots and give him a hard kick in the crotch. but even i'm not that mean

[Draymond]: I wouldn't mind kicking a few republicans either...argh, elections for state governor here are rather...mudslingy.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: lmao, a parody song "boot to the head" one of the lines:

People voting Republican, give them a boot to the head

[Draymond]: XD Nice...I'll have to look that one up. lol

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: its hilarious.

[Draymond]: Why is our government so muddled up allready, even though we're one of the youngest countries?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, the way i see it. we are still toddlers. have a lot to learn. gonna take a few falls before we can walk, much less run.

[Draymond]: *nods* We, developed too fast...needed a little more time to think things out as they developed, not all at once.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: and then we throw war into the equation. and the whole american ego-trip superiority complex.

[Draymond]: Aye...and how can we spend money if we're billions in dept?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: that too. circling the drain, we are

[Draymond]: Question is, where does the drain lead...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: hmm... to a place called....well, it isnt shangri-la

[Galatea]: Wow, everyone went really really quiet all of a sudden....I think I might put something new in my section. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah. college semester and school in general tarted. everyone cut back. i just moved. i dont have a scanner here

[Draymond]: School...argh. Well I tried with the anthro contest newsletter...I've only heard back from [Stray Kitty] and Earthbound. Its rather depressing...I messaged every artist on FAF, even if they didn't have a gallery page up (which I noted in the newsletters to those members) *sighs*

[Zab]: Can non-members join the contest?

[Draymond]: Oh! Please do! ^_^

[Zab]: hehe..I might:P

[Draymond]: The contest ends at the end of November...*shrugs* SHOULD be plenty of time...

[Zab]: Only two weeks:P

[Draymond]: *chuckles* Enough least with my plans...I hope.

[Zab]: x) hehe

[Draymond]: I tend to procrastinate too much.

[Zab]: procastinate?

[Draymond]: *eyebrow* Umm...lets see, keep saying that I'll do it later, putting it off to a later time over and over until its practically due.

[Zab]: ah..ok

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i'm caught between procrastination and lack of time. dammit, i have time tomorrow between work and class.... unless relatives drop in.... ugh. i'll see.

[Niku Gragen]: Squish!

[Draymond]: An appropriate word for sure.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: squish is right. my days seem to get booked so fast...

[Draymond]: Well I have time this weekend, I shall get my anthro portrait done (not the end of November JUST yet) XD

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i actually have 3 days off next week. i can hardly believe it.

[Draymond]: Woot! Well don't spend all of it catching up on sleep (something like I might do)

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i sleep so much lately. i live in a basement now, so it's getting chilly. well add a fur bed and electric blanket to the mix, and bed is the only place i ever want to be.

[Draymond]: XD tell me about it...beds are terribly hard to get out of on winter mornings...the entire house is so chilly.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: it would help if the bed wasn't so comfortable. i can't help myself. my basement is chilly,. but at least it isn't (yet) unbearably cold. yesterday the landlady gave me a $500 surround sound stereo sound system....

[Draymond]: I know, I've recently bought a new matress...its so comfortable. lol She gave you it? Wow, impressively generous of her.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: she bought it, then didn't like it as much as her old one. she even hired the guy to hook it all up, and paid for that. got it hooked up to my TV and DVD and CD players. very nice.

my mattress is a bit old. it was my grandmothers. in fact, she died on it. o.O

[Draymond]: Works out perfectly then!

Oh my really? I myself would probably sleep on a cot if that were so. (then again, our cot is pretty comfortable) lol

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, it was in the year 2000, february.

[Draymond]: A while ago then...hmm they only grandparent of mine to die was three years ago, the day after Christmas.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i only have one living grandparent. she's 90. holding up like she's 60. the women in my family often reach 100 years of age. she just lost her older sister in July, at age 98

[Draymond]: Impressive enudurance. I wonder what it must be like to be a century old...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: me too. i just hope i get there... her only health problem was arthritis, but i think she died of a stroke... completely random... i have a great uncle who's 97, he still gets up and walks a mile every day. same thing, n o serious health problems, just some arthritis.

[Draymond]: Hmm, I think that if you think that you're still young that you won't suffer from elderly age, or what usually comes from it. People just expect to slow down and die when they get old...its just waiting...waiting.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: ugh, that has to be miserable. nursing homes....

[Draymond]: I'd shoot myself if I was told I had to veggetate my last years.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i'd rather be euthanized. but i think, tragically, that's illegal. all the drug companies want us to be overmedicated vegetables for our last years, so they can make thousands off us.

[Draymond]: Aye, its so soon as I can't take after myself, and there's nothing I can do to change that, I'm taking my own life...because that's when I think that I'd be done living.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, fermenting isn't living.

[Draymond]: Not its not...its something cheese and wine is supposed to do.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: this is true, i like cheese. but not wine. i should probably start drinking red wine for my heart, but i can't handle alcohol at all, it burns.

[Draymond]: Red wine for your heart?

[Zab]: There is a myth (well, more or less a myth) that red wine is good for the heart. It is, but the alcoholic is still bad for the rest of the body. Eating raw grapes, that the wine is made of, is a better alternative ;)

[Draymond]: ...grapes eh? Hmm...I'll have to do reasearch into that...for now, I'll just keep eating chocolate for heart health. XD (apparently its actually good for the heart, or the cocoa part...the sugars and fats, not so much. lol)

[Zab]: XD Well, a doctor told me, plus I learnt it in school studying..err..''näringslära'', food stuff..

The combination of sugar and fat in chocolate releases the same hormones that a crush do, at least with women.... but not as much ;)

[Draymond]: Yeah, chocolate helps with depression at lot. *nods* Unless you eat too much then your opinion of your body image goes down...*shrugs*

[Zab]: XD yeah..>_> *stuffs body image away* As long as I can see my ribs I'm not fat..even if the belly is a bit too round..

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, if you can suck it in enough to see your ribs, you aren't fat. i actually distended my stomach slightly from wearing a tight corset. now i am perpetually potbellied. kinda sucks, but i can suck it in, and you can't tell. i know it isn't fat because wheni flex my stomach, i can feel the muscle... if that makes any sense...

[Draymond]: A bit...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: ever do a fetal mammal dissection, cat, pig anything?

[Draymond]: O.o Can't say that I have...Earthworms, and skinning/gutting fish is about how far I've gotten. lol

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, maybe fish, i dont know. there is this webby stringy stuff in you called mesentery. it hold your organs where they should be, intestines, stomach, the soft stuff. well, if you wear a corset too tight, it can stretch and tear your mesentery, and your organs move farther than they normally would. mine is mild, i only look a tad potbellied. some people have had serious damage, hernias, etc

[Draymond]: *twitch* That doesen't sound pleasent. My immediate conern for those people with extreme cases is car accidents, since your organs fly forward too even if your body has been restrained by a seatbelt. O.o

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: skin and muscles still restrain it to some degree. i do a lot of sit-ups so i can hold it in. it's prefereable to surgery. in really extreme cases, it's disgusting... organs floating around... eww...

[Draymond]: Hmm...floating organs in a fleshy tube...yuk. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: its rather repulsive. i dont know if it's reversible other than surgery, i know extreme cases aren't but i'm hopeful. mine isn't bad... doesn't bother me. it isn't even uncomfortable, unless i eat huge meals...

[Draymond]: *nods* Well I'll try to stay away from corsets. XD

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, men used to wear them too. i still wear mine.

[Draymond]: For back support right? *shrugs* Oh, did you know that tall people will generally die at a younger age than shorter people? Its because the taller you are, the more difficult it is for your heart to pump the blood because a taller person having longer veins and arteries than a shorter person. 

[Zab]: Yay! *is short* uhm..>_>
I see my ribs without stretching or ''sucking in''..x)
I saw this woman who wore a corset..her stomach was smaller than my neck..>_> On x-rays her ribs were pushed inside andup, and her organs were the same.. They say she had never been sick, but I doubt it. She also encourages others to get her ''beautiful'' shape...

[Draymond]: I'm almost 6 foot and still growing...O.o
That's disturibing...I thought that kind of style was popular in the 1800's. O.o

[Zab]: Aww.. ;__; You're probably an exception <img:img/mood/61691_1126352591.gif>

Yeah..but there are still lunatics out there..

[Draymond]: I'm one of those stubborn types that won't die probably. XD

Indeed...oh, it was in 8th grade history class...this ancient civilization, all the males at a young age had corset like things around their waists and abdomens so that their midsection was really skinny when they reached adulthood. O.o

[Zab]: XD yes!

Lovely..*drools* x) I like thin men..(but I should be naturally thin..and not too bony...x)
(I like quite femenine men..O__o Somethimes I wonder how straight I am..)

[Draymond]: XD Oh my, not quite the reaction I was predicting when I wrote that prior comment. lol

[Zab]: x) I'm unpredictable, didn't you know?
I probably should say ''eeww!'' XD But I can't imagine how a man would look with corset-effects...O__o When i try I just keep thinking of that smexy guy with long black hair and perfect tan (why was I born so pale? ;__;) and that girlish features I saw before.. <img:img/mood/44166_1164144921.gif>

Heh..XD Well..I'm off now. :)

[Draymond]: I know now. lol Well if you quizz me on what your ideal man is (have no idea why though XD) I'll pass. lol ttyl

[Zab]: XD Good, good.. remember it, some day I'll quizz you now..! XD
*poof* gone x) See ya.

[Draymond]: XD *takes notes and bites nails* Its a good thing that I do famously well in school. ^_~

[Zab]: Yes..that might help ou..*insane laughter*

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i like my men almost anorexic, like marilyn manson. and pale. i had a friend crack four ribs wearing a corset (waist cinch type) too tight.

[Draymond]: Oh too tight you think? Cracking four ribs? pain...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: took her from a 28 inch waist to a 20 inch. pain i think, yes.

[Draymond]: Four inches on either side? Ow!

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: thats what i said. i dont get mine that small. it's just asking for problems

[Draymond]: I'm not even going to try...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: good for you. guys aren't supposed to be wasp-waisted anyways.

[Draymond]: Indeed, wouldn't be practical for the leverage usually necessary.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: they arent practical for anything, really. well, maybe for bad backs, they do help keep the spine straight, but at a bit of a cost...

[Draymond]: A bit of a cost? I'd take a figity back over floating organs.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: me too. my foot has been all effed up since the dog tripped me down the stairs over a week ago. it isn't taking care of itself yet: one toe is bent at a strange angle. i bound it today, it's getting so bad. i wonder how long it'll take for me to swallow my pride and get an X-ray

[Draymond]: Well X-rays aren't needles or drugs, so I think it a good decision, however I do understand your pride about taking care of your ailments instead of having the doctors prod you around. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, i've taken to binding my foot, and it's helped a lot. i take a bandage and wrap it tight, then put on two socks, and my converse shoes, lace them up tight, and it keeps the foot from moving too much. just two days and it's working wonders. i'm getting back some of the flexibility, the pain and swelling are both down.

[Draymond]: Hmm...well if its getting better that's good. ^^

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yes, because i am too stubborn to go to a doctors for anything.

[Draymond]: I've noticed.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: the binding works. so long as i remember to do it. i went for two days... and regretted it.

[Draymond]: >.< To put it lightly perhaps? Owchies.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, at the moment, it's two socks, plus a bandage and a tightly laced boot, only on that foot.

[Draymond]: Interesting splint...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, toes are hard to do, so its improvisational at best

[Draymond]: *nods* have you the time to see Eragon yet today?

[7sevin7]: *flys in*

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i wont have time till i'm in florida. they are taking me to see it

[7sevin7]: o yall talking about eragon i just got back from watching that

[Draymond]: Ooo! really? How was it? No, wait...don't tell me a thing XD

[7sevin7]: il tell you this, it pales in comparison to the book... but what movie dosnt

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, every book that ever was a movie was sadly lacking in detail. but you just can't fit 400 pages of detail into two hours or so of movie.

[Draymond]: I thought so...I followed the development of the movie closely for about a year. FOX no doubt saw obvious links to other famous movies such as LOTR. So they changed it so that it was 'different', however totally betrayed the book on countless, and even painfully plain details.

[7sevin7]: thats why you dont make 2 hour movies....... you make 10 hour movies

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: the obvious solutions. then you need intermissions, the human bladder cannot last that long.

[7sevin7]: that's why we need to design a way to instantly down load knowledge into the human cortex then u could watch a 24 hour movie in 10 sec

[Draymond]: Interesting idea, but no doubt our puny brains, which at its peak thought capacity uses only 10% of that grey matter at any one time, no doubt would fry if that much information were blasted through it.

[7sevin7]: true but the fact is that we do only use 10% but if we were to dl it via the sub conchies like using ram on the computer then it would not effect the 10% used and then it can be acessed via a interface

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: kinda like eggs.

[7sevin7]: ..........huh?

[Draymond]: can process a hell of a lot faster than the concious mind, 6 billion bits of information per second as I recall correctly. I forget the number for the concious mind...somewhere very low, probably in the millions of bits per second. Hmm...

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: frying the brains is kinda like frying eggs. yeah, it'd be neat to download a movie to your brain and watch it when you pleased, like when i zone out at work.

[7sevin7]: ok..... it wouldn't be like watching it when ever you pleased it would just mearly like you already did

[Draymond]: change how we percieve movies...

[7sevin7]: yeah you cant help but think it would diminish the experience

[Draymond]: Aye...we enjoy suspence too much.

[7sevin7]: but it would still be incredibly efficient for stuff like school

[7sevin7]: as soon as you turn a certant age *boom* down load it all save the kid the torcher of school

[Draymond]: Now there's an applicable idea...ten page notes in thirty seconds, memorized...hey, its actually possible. You'd need a device that would convert the computer data into chemical compounds (memories really) so that we'd remember them without even looking at could be cut down to a matter of a few years...and the cost a lot less then, not needing text books and the like too.

[7sevin7]: shit why a few years dl it all at once

[7sevin7]: .......... nm thought just occurred to me that that could cause a Person to go crazy, suddenly knowing every thing and all

[Draymond]: All at once sure, you'd learn it, practice the knowledge, say by a doing problems in math, writing in english, reading a book, conducting experiments. Also you'd have to break it up with the person's mental development, like you said, too much too soon might cause somebody to go crazy because they have this knowlege, and not enough time to process it, an overload basically.

[7sevin7]: yeah

[7sevin7]: man just think of how large our 10% must be for us to come up with all this in the time we did

[Draymond]: Just think of those genius' who could use no doubt more than even that.

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: Libraries would become obsolete. if you wanted to read a book, you could just download it. you should go into neuroscience invent this thing, save future generations the torture of school. i think the school systems (at least here in America, i dont know what they are like overseas) need serious revision...

[7sevin7]: no sorry im a artist i just come up with the ideas ill let some one else make it happen

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: sad. me too. theres so many idiot neurologists though, we really need some decent ones.

[7sevin7]: hey check this out i just finished this pic like 5 mins ago and uploaded it to ET. tell me what you think

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: you should start a gallery in the FAF Critics Gallery

it's a good start, do you intend to put more work into it?

[7sevin7]: i duno depinds

[7sevin7]: i just started a wiki for my art when i uploaded it here
7sevin7's art

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i have an art wiki (several) too, but i have a separate FAF thing for critiquing individual pieces. I havent done anything in so long though, i don't know what's even in it.... my anthro self-portrait i recall, and one picture i was hoping to someday get to painting.

[7sevin7]: i just put it on the FAF Critics Gallery page. im to lazy to make another

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: sounds about like me most days. speaking of lazy, i can't be lazy tomorrow, have a twelve hour workday, i'm heading for bed

[7sevin7]: k

[Galatea]: Hola everyone! Random check in!

[Draymond]: Hello. ^^ 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: guten morgen

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i feel like such a stranger here. i hardly every get a chance to get online anymore.

[Draymond]: Aww, well the times I have seen you online recently has like been spotting a rare and precious animal. Which reminds me, I saw a garder snake earlier today...chased it around for a while actualy. 

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: poor snake. i live with my psycho mother again, but that could end in a month. what times i do get online, i'm checking my resume and e-mail. i think i have a job coming at the Central Florida Zoo... did you see my new snake? I'm so excited ot finally have him.

[Draymond]: Sweet, hope you get the position there ^^ And no, I've not seen your new snake, I briefly recall seeing your mood saying you had aquired a new one a while ago, you have pictures?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: only a few pics so far

[Zab]: How about making a wiki here for chatting and showing a picture or too in the comments to get critiqe?

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: sounds good. this place needs some livening up. that would help draw attention to pieces people were particularly anxious to get help and advice on.

[Zab]:'s easier than making a wiki..and would probably get more and faster comments :)

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: true, and if they wanted to get advice throughout the duration of the project, they could direct discussion to their wiki. FAF Discussions

[Zab]: yup :) Maybe a rule to avoid horribly large images in the coments? I usually never use more than 200pix wide and gets so annoying with big my opinion..

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, i'll suggest that. downsized images are always clickable are they not?

[Zab]: Depends on how you downsize them, but yes, pretty much :P

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: well, as long as you upload the original size image, then downsize by adding the pixel size (for example, 200) after the IMG tag in the URL, it ends up being clickable.

[Zab]: yep.. it's if you add it after the .jpg or something it won't.. but I honestly don't really know much of that..

[7sevin7]: sounds kewl i need to start drawing pics to post again.

[Zab]: hehe:P don't forget to show them!

[The Monochrome Rainbow]: i sneaked into his wiki and looked at some. major improvements, by the way.

[7sevin7]: who's?

[7sevin7]: o lol XP

[7sevin7]: something has happened to ET the comments from the last couple of weeks have all disappeared

[windowframe]: Yeah, there was a biiiig crash. Wiki comments, diary, guestbook and forum postings fom the last month are gone.

[7sevin7]: dang! first FA now ET!!! what next!

[7sevin7]: ;p lol ok

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